Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I could kiss him forever-a re-run from last Valentines Day!

year after year, some things never change and therefore are worth reprinting!
the link above will take you to this site to read about your kissing style or just see below:
Kissing by the Signs
Wondering how to satisfy your lover's ardent feelings? Keep reading for insight into the passionate nature of the Signs and then take the Kissing Style Quiz to discover what your liplocks reveal about you and your romantic destiny!
AriesYour kisses are quick and passionate fits of lustful pleasure that are there and then gone.
TaurusYour kisses linger; they are deliberate, heartfelt and they can go on and on and on…
GeminiYour kisses are interrupted by spasms of giggles, smiles and funny observations.
CancerYour kisses are warm and tender, and you never want to let them go.
LeoYour kisses are wild and uninhibited, biting and clawing; you expect applause for your performance.
VirgoYour kisses are so subtle and tidy, your lover only notices them once you've finished.
LibraYou're too busy worrying about your breath to really get into your kisses.
ScorpioYou skip the kiss and get to straight to … whatever comes next for you.
SagittariusYour kisses are surprising, spontaneous affairs that leave the kissed wanting more.
CapricornYour kisses are intense moments of sublime relief from the stress of your day.
AquariusYour kisses are wet and messy, and you tend to keep your eyes open.
PiscesYour kisses are starry-eyed, amorous and long-lasting.

http://quiz.women.com/games/tests/kissingstyle.htm = the quiz to see what your kissing style reveals!Happy Valentines Day!!

1 comment:

  1. the sun is out! it's feeling like bbq - and kissing - weather. See, his kisses are warm and tender and I never want them to end. sigh. He's the cancer.
