Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The first thing I do

The first thing I do, or stop doing, when I get my tax return is to stop cooking for a while. It isn't the cooking I dislike so much as it is all the distractions while I am trying to prepare a meal for those ungrateful, I mean my children. I love cooking actually and I pride myself on the fact that I make everything from scratch! The old fashioned way. It is very good. Now that I am not working I make a hot breakfast every day for my kids. My son will eat four pancakes, scrambled eggs and then have a bowl of cereal. Then I make two batches of muffins to take with them and for after school snack. My son is growing like a bad weed. One of his cousins is 6'7" and my son is trying to be as tall as him. At the rate he is growing, he might make it. He asked my the other day, "Is God as big as Bryson?"


  1. That sounds good. What time is breakfast?

  2. Hi! We eat at 7:00 a.m. The coffee will be hot and the food fresh and delicious! And the company - the best you can find anywhere! I can't wait to see your house!!!!!!!!!!!
