Sunday, May 08, 2005

The last supper

Last night was one of the best nights of my life. I know the most wonderful man in the world. He feeds me. And he's a hottie, too! There is no one nicer. I am moving and part of me was wondering, no, deeply sad that if we cannot get together very often when I just live down the street, how will I ever see him if I move across town?? How can I be so happy to see someone and so very sad at the same time. I was afraid it would be the last supper, but this morning I am a little more hopeful. Let me tell you about his awesome dinner:
He sautee'd mushrooms and onions in half and half. Now that is oral gratification. I am not sure I ever tasted anything so delicious. These were poured on perfectly bbq'ed T-bone steaks. There is only one way to eat a steak and that is cooked six minutes on each side. Slightly pink in the middle. I think I have only had two perfect steaks in my life and this was one and I dont remember where the last one was so it doesn't count. There was also corn on the cob cooked on the bbq, garlic bread, salad, I brought a vegie tray, we had gin and tonics and margarita's with very good tequila!! I get to watch him cook and try to stay out of the way and that is really the best part of the show. Watching someone make you perfect meal is nearly spititual for me. It is partof the meal and wouldnt taste quite as good without all the goings on to prepare. Tasting this, running around checking the temp on the bbq, stirring, mixing drinks in between, getting everything just perfect and beautifully set on the table. Of course there were candles and I also got a beautiful red rose and sweet mothers day card. It seems like I am forgtting something but there was so much!! When trying to decide what to have for dinner he said "rain or shine, we will bbq!:" Which is like saying we dont care what othe sucky things might be going on in ourlives or what the weather is doing we will have a good time, mostly just cuz we got to be together. I wish I had pictures!! he always takes pictures of everything and I guess it slipped our minds. OH!! and he made bread for me to take home. He has done this in the past and it is so good and my kids love it. (they also love the wings he has sent home, too) So I was thinking that I wanted to ask him to make some bread for me this time, too, but felt that was just too much - he's working like two jobs and all this other stuff. I was so happy to have this home made bread - what on earth is better than that??


  1. Nothing. Absolutely. Nothing. wrong. with. that.

    What a day, it sounds perfect!

  2. I wanted to send you a little picassa/hello info, can you drop me an email since I don't see a link for it on your blog :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. That sounds like a wonderful Mother's Day.

    I went down to my mom's house in Eugene and had dinner with my family. My oldest sister couldn't contain her racism for longer than 30 minutes, so before we started eating I was choking back tears and wanted to go home.

    The only thing that kept me there was reminding myself that I was there to be with my mom on her special day.

  5. I am sorry I can imagine how hard that was for you. The same things drive me crazy. Next time let the tears flow. It's so awful to go that far for someone you love so much, and then have someone else you love be such a puke and ruin it. I hope it was good to see your mom anyway, I am sure, as a mom myself, that it meant the world to her to have you there!!!! You are your mothers

  6. you are your mothers precious girl!!
