I recently found out that I had made it to the top of a waiting list, over 2 years, for low income housing. I have to move across town though, and that would be sad. Although I have no friends to speak of at my apartment complex as they are all drug addicts, it would mean the kids would have to change schools again and I know that is hard for them. It does have more bedrooms, a washer and dryer and the rent would be less. Hauling and paying for laundry for five people sucks! We drove over to look at it, but the landlady was called away to a meeting so we only saw the outside. We were able to peek in the windows and it is very, very small!! The neighborhood did not look much safer than this one, especially since the police were casing the joint when we arrived. I asked them what they were doing and they said, "Looking for someone." Great! !The five of us are already constantly tripping over each other with two bedrooms and one bathroom. I have always hated it here. After my divorce 3 1/2 years ago, (still not getting child support) this two bedroom apartment was the only one that would allow five people in a two bedroom, most places would only allow four people. And as the rent was low, it was all I could "afford" anyway. So during the process of lots of paperwork to get into the new place, they do an income verification check. I am "over income" to be eligible. I was raised never to discuss income with strangers, but let me tell you I don't make a whole lot!! So I tell her that I have been working temp jobs and get unemployment in between. She tells me, "If you are working, you make too much money. If you are getting unemployment or making only $9-$10.00 per hour, then you are eligible." I haven't fucking busted my hump working & getting a better education to fall further behind financially. This next school year is the year I have been waiting for: My twins will be in daycare!!! My daycare has gone from $1600 month for four kids; to $1200 month for three kids; and if I can just get through this summer I will have only two kids in daycare after school!!! It might be under $500 a month. Don't think I always pay this bill either, I am always way behind and just give them enough till my tax return comes in every year.
Also, I would have to buy out of my lease here which would cost me a bunch of money and effect my credit and since someday, someway I want to buy a home again that would not be a nice thing on my already shaky credit history. So do I stay poor? Working a job that I am way overqualified for for the finanical security of paying less rent every month and knowing we will always have clean clothes?? I would really like some security somewhere in my life! It's like having the weight of the world on my shoulders being the sole support of 5 people. Do I go out on this limb of always reaching for better jobs and more education (which is what I have been doing and don't want to throw that all away) and risk not getting that job soon enough and having to keep borrowing money from my mom to pay the rent everyb month??? There is so much to consider and I am very mad! And if I move over there, work a dumb low paying job, and start to get child support then I have to move again cuz I will be OVER INCOME!! How much do they think is too much to support five people??? I have to make less than $22,000 a year.
OH, I am sending you some seriously big hugs right now...