Monday, July 09, 2007

Have you read this?! Funniest I heard in a long time!

Martin, a loving husband, was in trouble. He forgot his weddinganniversary and his wife was really ticked off at him. She told him,"tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goesfrom 0 to 200 in under 6 seconds, AND IT BETTER BE THERE."The next morning, Martin got up really early before work.
When his wife woke up a couple of hours later, she looked out thewindow, and sure enough, there was a small gift-wrapped box sitting inthe middle of the driveway. Confused, the wife put on her robe, ran outto the driveway, and took the box into the house. She opened it, andfound a brand new bathroom scale.
Martin is not yet well enough to receive visitors.


  1. Anonymous3:33 PM

    i always liked the number one reason men are smarter during because they are plugged into a woman. not sure why i think that's funny, but it is.

  2. That is hilarious...not sure why it is funny either but I am laughing!
