Sometimes I really don't like young people that work in stores. The little girl in this picture is mine, so I love her.
The sun came out this weekend and we wanted to fill up our bike tires and fill up our basket balls and soccer ball. I went to GI Joes to buy a tire pump and they had all they fancy kinds that were very expensive. I just wanted the old fashioned metal kind that has the metal flaps that flip down that you stand on and you plug it in and pump. I asked two young sales people and NEITHER ONE HAD ANY IDEA WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT! They had never seen one. I was so mad. I just want plain ol' simple life. not all this fancy expensive stuff that is out there.
And my 12 year old asked me today, "Mommy, do you want help with your cell phone?"
It makes me depressed.
There is nothing that this millenium has to offer me so far that would actually IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF MY LIFE. Yeah it looks cool and "everyone" has one, but what the heck?? It won't improve my quality of life. I really don't see the point. All I want is the sweet smiles (like in the picture here) and hugs and kisses, tea and biscotti (I am going to learn how to make biscotti soon), and the love of my treasured friends and family (and lover)...to make me smile and consider a day really worthwhile. Amen.
oh yeah, and if I could get one or two friends at myspace...I don't know how to navigate that very well and that makes me feel old, too!
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