Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
my boy tackling another on youtube but the ref gets right in front of the camera
my boy tackling another on youtube but the ref gets right in front of the camera
I have never wanted to slash somebodys tires so bad
My kids had to hold me back...
Todays football game our kids are doing GREAT!! We were proud happy jumping up and down excited!! It was the best game so far. The boys were playing great and winning!!
Then this a**hole coach from the other team tells the refs that since my boy limped off of the field a little while ago that he couldn't play the rest of the game. My coach, our coach, went over to talk to the refs and the other a**hole coach and the rules state that if a player is carried off of the field, they are not allowed to play the rest of the game for their own safety.
I am serious I was ready to rip his face off. You think that football players are tough you just wait and see what happens when they piss off players mothers.
We had another player even earlier in the game that really was carried off the field but went right back out and played the entire rest of the game and the other team said NOTHING about that kid. That kid is a great player, too! Our whole team is!
Our team is red hot!! Your team is diddley-squat.
All the parents said it was cuz my boy was doing so good and that really IT WAS FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE OTHER TEAM. Because we were winning and they were afraid they were going to lose WHICH THEY DID LOSE ANYWAY and SET A BAD EXAMPLE because the entire stadium KNOWS WHAT THAT COACH DID. A**hole.
At the end of the game when everyone was leaving the other coach walked past my daughter and she said, "Great game, when #11 was playing!" #11 is my boy of course, her brother.
I am still freakin' pissed. That other team is our in city rivals and we will beat them every game every year for the rest of these boys time in this district.
Todays football game our kids are doing GREAT!! We were proud happy jumping up and down excited!! It was the best game so far. The boys were playing great and winning!!
Then this a**hole coach from the other team tells the refs that since my boy limped off of the field a little while ago that he couldn't play the rest of the game. My coach, our coach, went over to talk to the refs and the other a**hole coach and the rules state that if a player is carried off of the field, they are not allowed to play the rest of the game for their own safety.
I am serious I was ready to rip his face off. You think that football players are tough you just wait and see what happens when they piss off players mothers.
We had another player even earlier in the game that really was carried off the field but went right back out and played the entire rest of the game and the other team said NOTHING about that kid. That kid is a great player, too! Our whole team is!
Our team is red hot!! Your team is diddley-squat.
All the parents said it was cuz my boy was doing so good and that really IT WAS FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE OTHER TEAM. Because we were winning and they were afraid they were going to lose WHICH THEY DID LOSE ANYWAY and SET A BAD EXAMPLE because the entire stadium KNOWS WHAT THAT COACH DID. A**hole.
At the end of the game when everyone was leaving the other coach walked past my daughter and she said, "Great game, when #11 was playing!" #11 is my boy of course, her brother.
I am still freakin' pissed. That other team is our in city rivals and we will beat them every game every year for the rest of these boys time in this district.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
dang I miss Sunday football
I was ok for quite a while...really stuck to my pride and stuck to my guns, after all I was right, wasn't I?
Then Sunday football started, and now I am just sad.
I was ok for quite a while...really stuck to my pride and stuck to my guns, after all I was right, wasn't I?
Then Sunday football started, and now I am just sad.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
football, baby
I spend a minimum of 20 hours a week either at football practice, at a football game, watching football games on TV and watching football movies. We have watched Invicible twic every weekend since the beginning of August.
My son is an awesome player!! He is not afraid to do what needs to be done on the field. Best of all he totally loves the game!! He dreams about it, talks about it, gives me endless replays of everything that has ever happened at every practice and every game.
The only thing missing is my favorite Sunday afternoon game celebration activities.
My son is an awesome player!! He is not afraid to do what needs to be done on the field. Best of all he totally loves the game!! He dreams about it, talks about it, gives me endless replays of everything that has ever happened at every practice and every game.
The only thing missing is my favorite Sunday afternoon game celebration activities.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
my resume
my resume went out internet wide to any job site I could find Aug 8. I immediatly got some good emails and calls about jobs. One, at Intel was looking for someone to start last week but I sadly I did not get it. I would have happily left where I am. I havn't been that miserable at a job in years.
My only problem is I have to send it from work - I know big fat no no - but I don't have Word on my pc and can't save my resume so I emailed it to work and saved it there...
I don't care actually. The managers are rude, insulting, backstabbing, buger eating morons and I will do anything I can to get out of there. Short of walking out and believe you me don't think I don't want to everyday. I know I would have a job very quickly but I just can't risk it cuz I have a whole bunch of children to feed.
I have contacted everyone I ever knew, sent my resume to in the past ( I save all my job searches and interviews) letting them know I am back in the job market.
This sucks so much cuz I really really really never wanted to look for work again, but I am driving 30 miles each way and spending all my money on gas. The only place I can cut back in my budget is food.
I'd like to post my resume here for you to see, but like I said I don't/can't save it on my pc so I can't upload it or email it from here. Please wish me luck anyway, I think I am employable at least I hope so anyway.
My only problem is I have to send it from work - I know big fat no no - but I don't have Word on my pc and can't save my resume so I emailed it to work and saved it there...
I don't care actually. The managers are rude, insulting, backstabbing, buger eating morons and I will do anything I can to get out of there. Short of walking out and believe you me don't think I don't want to everyday. I know I would have a job very quickly but I just can't risk it cuz I have a whole bunch of children to feed.
I have contacted everyone I ever knew, sent my resume to in the past ( I save all my job searches and interviews) letting them know I am back in the job market.
This sucks so much cuz I really really really never wanted to look for work again, but I am driving 30 miles each way and spending all my money on gas. The only place I can cut back in my budget is food.
I'd like to post my resume here for you to see, but like I said I don't/can't save it on my pc so I can't upload it or email it from here. Please wish me luck anyway, I think I am employable at least I hope so anyway.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Football used to just amuse me

Now I am not just amused at the game, I am totally confused!!!
Watching my sons practice there is so much to learn and it is so involved I don't have a clue whatg is going on!
I play football on Xbox so maybe that will help a little.
I was a football cheerleader in high school, but I really didn't have to know a thing just jump up and down a lot...
His coach thinks he is tough and awesome!!
Saturday, August 02, 2008
next to NASCAR and NFL this is my biggest event this year
As someone that grew up taking dance lessons, performing and competing until the age of 20 and is now over 40 and can only dream about dancing, going to see A Chorus Line is the biggest event of my year! I got to play around in local perfomances of A Chorus Line, Guys & Dolls and Grease. Oh and Alice and Wonderland but not a musical version. It was small town stuff but we were good and had a blast!!
I am so excited I can hardly see straight! I will laugh, cry and get chills all over!! I will remember this forever!
As someone that grew up taking dance lessons, performing and competing until the age of 20 and is now over 40 and can only dream about dancing, going to see A Chorus Line is the biggest event of my year! I got to play around in local perfomances of A Chorus Line, Guys & Dolls and Grease. Oh and Alice and Wonderland but not a musical version. It was small town stuff but we were good and had a blast!!
I am so excited I can hardly see straight! I will laugh, cry and get chills all over!! I will remember this forever!
Friday, August 01, 2008
don't know what all the fuss was about
don't know what all the fuss was about, I still have internet...
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The holiest of all holidays are those
Kept by ourselves in silence and apart;
The secret anniversaries of the heart.
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The hot sun shone through the windshield, partially blinding me, but not enough that I couldn’t catch a glimpse of the sign that read, “BCTI Business Computer Training Institute”.
May 7 the first day I ever saw him. August 20 the following year our first date.
(Boring so far, I am such a boring writer)
Having separated from my husband, the four children staying with me, and working two jobs, in a bakery during the day and tending bar at night has not prepared me for a 9-5 job in an office or using a computer. I had read the want ads and I knew what employers wanted, computer skills. None of which I had.
Seeing this sign, This was fate for sure, I had never drove this way, couldn’t even remember at the moment where I was going or what I was going there for. I had to get inside this school. Little did I know the way I looked and felt about the world was going to change for the rest of my life. Or at least 5 years as of the date I began this writing.
Some young girl who I never saw again, was telling me all the wonderful skills I can learn at this school. I had to prepare for a job I could work during the weekday since the evening and weekend shifts at the bakery and the bar not only had me working 70 hours a week, but it was impossible to find day care . She proceeded to guide me down the hall to look at all the classrooms. One in particular caught my eye. Keyboarding. It wasn’t just the shiny new computers that caught my eye, oh no! It was the tall dark handsome man walking towards me with a great big glad to see you smile and the wide eye grin that says he’d like to get to know me better. I was wearing work out clothes. Dark blue pants with a white stripe down the side and a jacket to match. Not ready to impress Mr. Right, but it apparently did the job. Christopher Jennings Butler shook me out of my dreamy state of fantasy and was wondering if I had any questions about the school or about his class. “How do you teach here”, I asked, “Hands on training”, he replied with a sly smile. I was probably the only one to notice the twinkle in his eye or to notice the cute way he stepped from side to side in nervousness. Every time I looked at him from then on it seemed he wore his heart on his sleeve and I was always surprised that the whole world couldn’t see the fireworks and electricity and excitement between us.
I signed up that day and began an agonizingly wonderful eight month long, five day a week observation of the man I was to love from that moment on. It would be years before we dated or spoke of love but it was always there between us. At least for me it was. I was so enamored of him and surely made a fool of myself in more ways than one. But I adored him. Loved looking at him, listening to his voice, thinking about him. Fantasies of him became more interesting than dating real men.
The rule was, instructors couldn’t socialize with students. Well I knew we were much more than that from the beginning, but I could never get him to see my side of things, no matter how hard I tried! It was fate, yes, at this moment in time we were not going to be anything more, but this was a gift in and of itself. It gave me the time to really watch and listen to him. See what made him tick. Where he was coming from and where he was going. What mattered to him, what bothered him. He was a person of character, morals, love. I could see he was good people. I had made bad choices in my former relationships and although this would never turn into a real relationship, the love and affection was there. We had to protect ourselves from pain and for both of us that was the most important. I would never, ever marry again.
I sent him letters, lyrics to songs, poems, flowers, presents, and chocolates but nothing I did worked, he even asked me to stop! But I knew from the way he acted and the things he said that he was definitely interested in me, too. It was just a matter of time.
Now Chris Butler has the zodiac sign of Cancer the crab. That means he is shy, he skirts around things, moving side to side like the crab. Never straight forward. I am a Scorpio which means I don’t like to be told no. We are both very stubborn and still haven’t determined who is more so. He is afraid to love and so am I. We have four ex'es and six children between us. Lots of good reasons not to get involved with each other.
But every time we are in the same room our eyes meet. We are totally aware of what the other is doing, saying - how they are moving, breathing. When we are not in the same room, there is a force that drives us to search for each other and stay in their presence. There is no better place on earth. To see him, to hear him, to smell him and oh holy Mother of God, to actually get to touch him! Hallelujah! It still turns my insides out, makes me breathe fast, I get warm all over. The most amazing part to me is that from the very first time I ever saw him, the rest of the world disappears when he is anywhere near me. His body is magnified in my presence, it takes up all space and time. I don’t hear or see anything else except him. Everything else disappears, ceases to exist when my lover is near. I smile thinking about him now, even though I haven’t seen him in a long time. It is sad to be lonely at times. But I am just so dang busy with all the kids and a full time job and a huge commute, that there just isn’t a lot of time for anything or anyone else.
Yes, there are definitely times when I am sad to not see him for a while, and I will cry. It is so sad that two such wonderful people as us had to go through such miserable relationships before we met that have ruined us for each other. But we know better. Those relationships ended for pretty good reasons. Most of them probably never should have even started. We would probably not even be together now, if we had gotten together before. We stay away from each other mostly. Don’t call write or see each other much. It stays nice that way. We are happy to see each other. Nobody is obliged to return phone calls, plan ahead, or even consider the other person at all. We celebrate all holidays and birthdays apart. There are no events whatsoever that we partake in together. Except we went to a baseball game once. We do not exchange gifts or recipes. We do not know each others family’s or friends. We both like beer that is about it. Oh, and gin and tonic.
There was going to be some romance in here somewhere, but see, I seemed to have forgotten it. We went from exciting romance to really blatantly shallow before the end of page 3.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
The coolest person to hang with and the coolest place to hang
geez, I don't have a picture of the coolest person to be with, but take my word for it - he is the hottest/coolest person to be with! He always makes sure I have a fantastic time. He even arranged for a full moon. I give him all the credit for that, too. :)
Two free tickets for third row seats in the VIP section with access to the guest lounge with free snacks and an awesome worms eye view of the Portland Beavers baseball game at PGE Park, two round trip tickets on Max - $8.00, beer, margaritas and nachos - $30.00, holding hands under a full moon - priceless.
geez, I don't have a picture of the coolest person to be with, but take my word for it - he is the hottest/coolest person to be with! He always makes sure I have a fantastic time. He even arranged for a full moon. I give him all the credit for that, too. :)
Two free tickets for third row seats in the VIP section with access to the guest lounge with free snacks and an awesome worms eye view of the Portland Beavers baseball game at PGE Park, two round trip tickets on Max - $8.00, beer, margaritas and nachos - $30.00, holding hands under a full moon - priceless.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
dumbest kid in town
A young boy enters a barber shop and the barber whispers to his customer 'This is the dumbest kid in town.... watch while I prove it to you.'The barber puts a dollar bill in one hand and two quarters in the other, then calls the boy over and asks 'Which do you want, son?'The boy takes the quarters and leaves.'What did I tell you?' said the barber. 'That kid never learns!'Later, when the customer leaves, he sees the same young boy coming out of the ice ream store. 'Hey, son! May I ask you a question... why did you take the quarters instead of the dollar bill?'The boy licked his cone and replied 'Because the day I take the dollar, the game's over!'
You have a dirty mind!
HOW CLEAN IS YOUR MIND?I challenge you NOT to think dirty.All of the answers in this quiz are NOT obscene in any way.Vocabulary Test for the Dirty Minded:
1) What is a four-letter word that ends in "k"and means the same as intercourse?
) What is it that a cow has four of and a woman has only two of?
3) What can you find in a man's pants that is about six inches long, has a head on it,and that women love so much that they often blow it?
4) What word starts with "f " and ends with "u-c-k"?
5) Name five words that are each four letters long,end in "u-n-t" one of which is a word for a woman?
6) What does a dog do that you can step into?
7) What four letter word begins with "f " and ends with "k", and if you can't get one you can use your hands?
8) What is hard, six inches long, has two nuts, and can make a girl fat?
9) What four-letter word ends in "i-t " and is found on the bottom of birdcages?
10) What is it that all men have one of; it's longer on some men than on others; the pope doesn't use his;and a man gives it to his wife after they're married
3.(a twenty dollar bill)
5.(bunt, hunt, runt, punt, aunt
8.(Almond Joy candy bar)
10.(last name)
1) What is a four-letter word that ends in "k"and means the same as intercourse?
) What is it that a cow has four of and a woman has only two of?
3) What can you find in a man's pants that is about six inches long, has a head on it,and that women love so much that they often blow it?
4) What word starts with "f " and ends with "u-c-k"?
5) Name five words that are each four letters long,end in "u-n-t" one of which is a word for a woman?
6) What does a dog do that you can step into?
7) What four letter word begins with "f " and ends with "k", and if you can't get one you can use your hands?
8) What is hard, six inches long, has two nuts, and can make a girl fat?
9) What four-letter word ends in "i-t " and is found on the bottom of birdcages?
10) What is it that all men have one of; it's longer on some men than on others; the pope doesn't use his;and a man gives it to his wife after they're married
3.(a twenty dollar bill)
5.(bunt, hunt, runt, punt, aunt
8.(Almond Joy candy bar)
10.(last name)
Friday, May 09, 2008
workin' overtime
ok, I think I buy too much pizza. I walked in tonight and heard a round of, "Hi Laura!" I just feel like if they know me by sight and my first name, I go there too much.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Our new puppy!
she is much cuter than this little pup. Check out the story...
My daughter's senior prom is in a couple of weeks. Her boyfriend put her favorite candy, Swedish Fish, in cupcake papers all the down the stairs to the outside and then down the sidwalk. He was at the end of the trail and was wearing a t-shirt that had on the front, "Will you go to prom with me". On the back of his shirt was printed, "If no, then give me my puppy back." He was holding the cutest little Llaso Apso puppy I have ever seen. She is black with a little bit of white and what a personality!! We have so much fun with her, she is just precious and we all love her very much!!
she is much cuter than this little pup. Check out the story...
My daughter's senior prom is in a couple of weeks. Her boyfriend put her favorite candy, Swedish Fish, in cupcake papers all the down the stairs to the outside and then down the sidwalk. He was at the end of the trail and was wearing a t-shirt that had on the front, "Will you go to prom with me". On the back of his shirt was printed, "If no, then give me my puppy back." He was holding the cutest little Llaso Apso puppy I have ever seen. She is black with a little bit of white and what a personality!! We have so much fun with her, she is just precious and we all love her very much!!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Are you kidding me?
I am so bored. I am on vacation. All those closets I was going to clean look like too much freakin' work considering I am on vacation. that was my big plan before my vacation days hit. clean closets and go dancing every night. It's is very quiet here. I have read all my emails. I have deleted all my old emails. I have watched one movie. I really want to go to the zoo. I miss animals. one of our birds died, and the dog ran away. maybe I should just go to a pet store when I can look and hold them for free. animals are healing and so is dirt. like gardening dirt. not the soot that comes from all the cars and smog and stuff. i grew up in the country. i have always lived in the country. i have been in the city for about 6 years now. i swore i would never live in a city. i hate the city. i need to commune with nature to be happy. our dog was very healing for us. all the tail wagging and unconditional love. those big brown eyes. oh yeah and the fish died, too. it is all very sad. we have one bird left (our bird is very depressed he is a love bird and it shows he is sad about the death of his mate) and one hamster left living.I really should get those dang closets cleaned out...
Friday, February 01, 2008
I have two standing invitations every year for Superbowl.Sometimes we drive to the coast for a big party at my parents house. The other is at friends in town. We are staying in town this year. This party is probably the most fun we have all year. there are tv's in every room of the house including the bathroom. there are bleachers set up in the living room!! there are lots of drawings, prizes and activities for all ages. they set up a wooden goal post in the driveway for some half time entertainment and kicking contests!! i can't wait!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
there will be no white flag above my door
geeks, freaks, and bugger eating morons.
except one. i get so mad at him when he hurts my feelings.
i sure as hell don't know what i want.
except one. i get so mad at him when he hurts my feelings.
i sure as hell don't know what i want.
I am a dancer.
I just realized - while watching Men II Boyz sing their remake of "Same Old Song" I realized while watching them jperforme onstage that I spent from the age of 5 until the age of 21 on stage. I was a dancer. I took lessons, I performed, I acted and sang and danced in plays and beauty contests. Even a little modeling. I know I know you can't tell now, but I used to be really skinny! lol.
I haven't been on a stage in so very long. Not that I need or want to be I just know that in one of my many miserable lives I am sure I was a performer. I would have been like Cher maybe. I have been desperately aching for years to take country dance lessons, and belly dancing lessons, and now my girlfriends and I are talking about pole dancing lessons...
I haven't been on a stage in so very long. Not that I need or want to be I just know that in one of my many miserable lives I am sure I was a performer. I would have been like Cher maybe. I have been desperately aching for years to take country dance lessons, and belly dancing lessons, and now my girlfriends and I are talking about pole dancing lessons...
enough is enough and I have had enough
and I am going to pay for it this time. pay money. cash. every month., whatever the hell is out there. I just want a nice person to spend time with once in while. most of the time i just do the free sign up and am not ever impressed with the pictures of men available. or the description. love the outdoors, camping and fishing are my life. they all say the same thing. but i think i need to give them an opportunity. they might be pretty nice after all and can make me smile and feel good. i am pretty sure God didn't intend for me to get old totally and completely alone.
ok. maybe next payday. I always say that...
ok. maybe next payday. I always say that...
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Happy New Year Dress
Did these pics show up??
these are the shoes I wore
shiny black glitter strappy sandles
this is the top I wore all silvery and glittery
I danced all night!!
these are the shoes I wore
shiny black glitter strappy sandles
this is the top I wore all silvery and glittery
I danced all night!!
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