Friday, March 30, 2007

no title.

The staff here is driving me crazy!
I am a nervous wreck!
They have not worked here very long at all and don't know shit, but they get these big job titles and big heads and think they know absolutely everything! And they tell me what to do and I just want to scream at them, "I hate you and I think you are stupid and rude and you should go eat a rusted decroded piece of crap and just die!"
But, I want to keep my job and I am not really sure why, oh yeah, cuz I am way overpaid for what I do and couldn't get paid this much anywhere else because my skills are like a high schoolers. In fact I am pretty sure that kids graduating from high school even know more than me!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My little 6'8" nephew!

college bball went by too fast!!! click on the link to see his stats - his GPA is 3.7 - he says there is nothing to do in that town except study!

Thursday, March 22, 2007


I counted up all the people in my department, that usually staffs 4-5 people. Since I started about a year and a half ago there have been 19 people that have been hired. Two have quit on their own and 17 have been fired. There is only myself and one other lady that have stood the test of time. Another thought on that note is that there were 10 other poeple in this position before me. That is why my nickname is "temp 11". (I was hired as a temp and then put on permanent.)

my new best friend!

My dear sweet little old neighbors gave me this bbq this weekend! They bought themselves a new one for their 47th wedding anniversary. John and Barbara are the nicest people you would ever want to meet. They are always outside working on their flowers and when I pull in we always visit. They are from England so they have these really sweet accents. I can never quite tell if John is saying, "Hello, Dear" or "Hello there." He helps me work on my car and although he is very slow due to age, and he dosn't really help much, he is so kind to try to help. They call cars carriages. "How is your carriage, Dear?" He will ask me and I assure him it is running fine, although it is usually not!! lol.
You can see in the bottom right corner of this picture the old bbq - it is that rusty little broken box...The old one used briquettes but this new one is gas. There is no gas tank with it but I think I can buy a little green one for not very much money.
We can't wait to use the new one!! I am so excited!
I also have all my pretty little lights up out on the patio and some candles out there.
You can also see the bikes, now that the sun is out the children have been riding. They are going to grandma's next for spring break (yeah I can't wait!!!!) and now I just need to figure out how to strap their bikes to my car...I did just buy some bunji cords at the dollar tree recently...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Monday, March 19, 2007

St Patricks Day Parade

The Boy Scouts had to play a little football while they were waiting to load up on the hay wagon and line up for the parade..."THAT is your goal little brother! I have DATED football players", she tells him, "So I know way more than YOU about the game!"

Thursday, March 15, 2007

another one bites the dust!

they let one more go...
there is like practically NOBODY here any more...and it's not skills either, this lady brought in $1,000,000 a month, but I am thinking maybe her attitude sucked.

see, not matter what happens, i hold it together, or try to. although someone said to me yesterday, "Laura you are not your usual jovial self."

It is the time change I growled (lied). shit. they are firing people all over the place! I am scared to death. Yeah, and anyway, you try to get four freakin kids up and out the door by 7am during daylight savings time!

did I mention that I really hate mornings?

I forgot to mention

That fat mean lady got fired. The one I called my friend.

I have always hated mornings, in fact, it's the first thing I say every day

mornings-especially Saturday mornings, and Sunday mornings, are made for sleeping and making love. Where it is warm

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

all i want to do is cry

i don't know anything
i don't do anything

Monday, March 12, 2007

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Brandon still has not stopped talking about football since we were at the superbowl party!! lol.
He plays every day at recess, he ties to play in the house with his sisters or me!
He plays football video games & watches football on TV.
Last night he says to me, "Mommy don't you wish XLI was on every night!!!" That is what he always calls it, XLI.

I sure love my little man! Their energy and enthusiasm keeps me up! When it is not exhausting me!

That's what I'm talkin' about!

That's what I'm talkin' about!
be sure to click on the words beside little green arrows, because they are links to websites.

I am a dancing fool! It is what I love most I think. Music. Dancing. Going with some friends. Last time we went think of the place I just remember hollering out the work "oupa!" a lot and breaking plates and dancing! Oh yeah, that was the Greek place with the purple octopus on the roof. Really, and no it wasn't all the Ouza I drank! lol. God, I just love to dance.

"Finding a Salsera or a Salsero in Portland who doesn't know about Fernando's is downright impossible. This is the home of the annual Fernando’s Hideaway Salsa Contest, where everyone is welcome to show off their Salsa art. With Salsa, Merengue, and a full bar, this place is often jam-packed with dancers, as well as people who are just having a few drinks and a pick-up. Dancing at Fernando’s is definitively an experience."

Monday, March 05, 2007

My Three Girls

They took this picture of themselves, I thought it was great. When did they get so old?!